Body Mind Type

In Ayurveda, doshas are fundamental elements that govern an individual's physical and mental characteristics, as well as their overall health and well-being. There are three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, which is determined at the time of conception and is referred to as one's "prakriti." The balance of these doshas is essential for maintaining good health, while imbalances can lead to various physical and psychological issues.

  • Vata people tends to be thin with dry, rough and dark skin.
  • Large, crooked and protruded teeth.
  • A small thin mouth and dull dark eyes.
  • Vata speak quickly, sleep little and their sleep is often interrupted.
  • They walk, talk and think fast.
  • They are good at remembering recent events but have a poor long-term memory.
  • They are changeable in the beliefs. When unbalanced they are often frightened and anxious.
  • Vatas eat little, they like sweet, sour and salty food.
  • Vata people tend to be emotionally insecure.
  • Vata people are more susceptible to aching joints, dry skin and hair, nerve disorder, constipation, flatulence, tics, twitches, wrinkling of skin and mental confusion.

  • Pittas are usually of medium height and build with soft and fair skin, light brown and radish hair, small yellowish teeth, a medium sized mouth and penetrating eyes. They tend to be grey soon
  • In balanced state
  • Pittas speak clearly but often sharply.
  • Pittas has penetrating and deep ideas and sharp intelligence and have a good clear memory.
  • Pittas can fanatic in their beliefs
  • Pittas tend to be jealous, agitated, short tempered. They are knife like in anger.
  • Pittas love to eat sweet, bitter and sharp-tasting foods. They perspire easily and their hands and feet stay warm.
  • Pittas tend to be emotionally intense.

  • Kaphas are usually large frame and perhaps overweight
  • Skin is thick cool and oily.
  • Hair is thick, wavy and oily.
  • Mouth tends to be large with full lip.
  • Eye are big, beautiful with thick dark lashes.
  • Kaphas are stable, patient personalities and are slow to anger. They are not easily provoked but once angry do not calm down. They are honorable and keep their words and avoid lies. They are inclined to be slow talkie and can be lethargic, even lazy if not driven by others.
  • Kaphas stick to their beliefs.
  • Kaphas are very loving and emotionally secure.

Depending upon the relative predominance of the three pathophysiological factors (dosha) the psychosomatic constitution of an individual may be divided into seven categories namely vatika, paittika, kaphaja, vatapittaka, vatakaphaja, pittakaphaja and samadoshaja. The constitutional determination provides insight into the deeper workings of an individual. With this it is possible to become aware of the foods, spices, herbal medicines, emotions, thoughts, climates, colors, life-styles and so on that tend to either balance or unbalance a particular individual and to either improve or aggravate various types of illness. The constitution is considered to determine the susceptibility to different diseases, their progress, pattern, possible complications and the over all prognosis. It determines the individual’s response to a particular therapy.

A disease will manifest in different constitutions in different ways. An individual with a predominantly Vata constitution will experience symptoms that are different than those for Pitta or Kapha, even though they all have been diagnosed with the same disease. Constitutional treatment of the individual is a priority since the constitution is fundamental to health and illness.

When you want to know about yourself, attempt the following question bank and know the results of your body constitution, which is termed as "PRAKRITI" in Ayurveda. This questionnaire explains your body & mind constitution and also provides guideline solutions according to your individual body constitution type:

How is your body structure?

  1. short, thin, weak
  2. medium, plump, delicate
  3. well built, full

How is your body frame?

  1. lean, short
  2. medium, plump
  3. large, well built

How is your hair: body hair, beard or moustache?

  1. scanty,dry,weak scanty
  2. soft, brown, colored, tendency to gray, baldness
  3. plentiful, abundant, black, wavy, glossy, do not fall or gray early

How is your skin?

  1. dry, cracks easily , rough, dark
  2. oily, soft with moles, pimples freckles, and blackheads.
  3. glossy, clear, smooth, mostly fair

How are your nails?

  1. dry, cracks easily , rough, dark
  2. reddish, smooth, thin, soft
  3. big, pinkish, smooth, glossy, convex

How are your lips?

  1. blackish, cracking, shapeless
  2. reddish, smooth, thin, soft
  3. pinkish, smooth, glossy, proportionate

How are your teeth?

  1. very small, or very big, protruding, cracks easily, broken, irregular
  2. medium sized with gaps
  3. even, straight, smooth, shiny white

How are your eyes?

  1. white part- dark/unclear, unsteady eyes, habit of raising eyebrows
  2. white part- reddish, brown eyes, sharp eyesight
  3. white part-milky white, edges reddish, calm, soft, gentle look

How is your body temperature?

  1. less than that of normal; palms and feet are cold
  2. more than that of normal; palms, feet, face and forehead are hot
  3. normal; palms and feet are slightly cold.

How are your joints?

  1. protruding, cracks easily, unsteady
  2. loose, moderately hidden
  3. strong, well knit, firm, compact, well hidden

How are your movements?

  1. unsteady, like to wander here and there, habit of moving hands, legs and shoulders
  2. fast
  3. slow, steady

How is your voice?

  1. rough, hoarse, weak, dry
  2. clear, loud
  3. deep, pleasant, soft, charming

How do you talk?

  1. very talkative, irrelevant speech, fast, diffused speaking
  2. talkative, good at arguments
  3. slow, soft, steady, firm but little speech

How do you sweat?

  1. nothing particular
  2. very easily and a lot, in armpits, head(scalp), the body emits the foul smell of sweat
  3. less sweating

How is your appetite/thirst?

  1. unpredictable, sometimes good, sometimes less, like to eat fast
  2. good, has to eat after three to four hours, cannot tolerate hunger/ thirst
  3. comparatively less, can tolerate hunger/ thirst

What is the quantity of food and drinks you consume?

  1. not fixed, sometimes more, sometimes less
  2. comparatively more
  3. comparatively less

What sort of food do you prefer?

  1. hot and wet
  2. cold or warm
  3. hot and dry

How are your stools?

  1. blackish, hard, once in a day
  2. yellowish, loose, once/twice a day
  3. yellowish, well formed, once in a day

How is your sleep?

  1. less than six hours, interrupted
  2. six to eight hours, sound
  3. eight hours or more, sound

What sort of dreams do you get?

  1. skies, winds, hurricane
  2. fire, lightning, gold, bright colored views
  3. water, pools gardens, faint colored views

How is your work strength?

  1. less, gets tired after small amount of work
  2. moderate, gets tired quickly after medium quality/ amount of work, cannot withstand physical or mental exertion
  3. good, after doing large amount of work does not feel tired

How do you work?

  1. fast, in hurry
  2. medium fast
  3. steady , slow

How is your sexual desire and strength?

  1. less
  2. medium
  3. abundant

How is your grasping power?

  1. sometimes good, sometimes bad
  2. always grasps quickly and neatly
  3. grasps late but retains

How is your memorizing capacity?

  1. less, always forgets quickly
  2. moderate, can remember things, in the medium span
  3. good, remembers for a long time, thoughtful

How is your nature?

  1. jealous, timid, ungrateful, starts any work hastily, likes to wander here and there aimlessly
  2. medium strong, short tempered, forgiving, egoistic, medium wealthy, self respecting, fear-less, brave, very clever, good at decision making
  3. grateful, brave, patient, not greedy, strong, calm, quiet, soft, withstands physical and mental exertion, gives respect to teachers, sharp memory, stable, , starts any work slowly and steadily

How do you tackle any problem?

  1. worrying constantly, cannot take one fixed, stable decision
  2. can take right, firm decision quickly, good at decision making
  3. can take right and firm decision with calm and stable mind but takes time

Which are the things you can tolerate?

  1. cold
  2. heat, anger, physical and mental exertion, hunger, thirst, and physical urges can tolerate cold, heat, anger, exertion, physical urges, hunger, thirst, everything